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Husky Twins Calico Critters - Calico Critters

Regular price $12.99

Girl twin, Anna likes to play with her siblings and especially loves making silly faces when playing peek-a-boo.

Boy twin, Jeremy, likes to play outside with Amber. He's a kind older brother to his sibling triplets who often also plays peek-a-boo with them.

Figures about 2 inches tall.
Authentic EPOCH Calico Critters
Calico Critters are known originally and in many other parts of the world as 'Sylvanian Families'. These same nostalgic Critter friends from Epoch Japan are now here in the US as Calico Critters. 

Shop all Calico Critters families, accessories and homes here.

CAUTION! This product is not a toy and is intended for adult collectors only.