Pickles Sale, Lucky Sale + Koguma Crown Bears Weekend Special!

Sumikko and the "Umikko"

Posted by Mary Bear on

In our blog post today, we'll include information about all the new items, translation for this theme, and also freebies from San-X!

Let's first look at the description from San-X!

"One day, Penguin? decided to go to the sea to find himself and everyone went along, too.
Sumikko met Real Penguin once again. In this corner of the sea, they met “Umikko”  and had lots of fun in the sea together."

In Japanese, sea is "Umi". So "Umikko" is referring to Sumikko of the sea!

Some of the new characters include a clownfish, sea turtle, starfish, jellyfish--and of course a return of "Real" Penguin!

Seagull - Round from eating lots of fish. Can barely fly over the water’s surface.

Jellyfish - Does not want to be swept away so stays in the corner

Sea turtle - Fearful personality. Hides in shell. Admires land turtles.

Clownfish - Tried to come out from the sea anemone but after all it’s nice to stay in the corner..

Chinanago - Tapioca impersonating an eel

Here is Mary Bear's video all about the new characters...

Which is your favorite?

Now, for freebies! San-X has posted free
computer and phone backgrounds for this theme!

There is also a video for this theme, too!

You can see many of the new characters in the new tenori plush releases. 

Shop these friends and more on Tuesday, June 11th at 3pm EST!

Read more on the San-X website here!
Images copyright San-X


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